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Includes all pages from The Video Game Collector's Field Guide pertaining to the respective console chosen here. This includes both the Visual Checklist with each game's front box art and the Index Checklist showing a raw list used for checking off what you own, want, have played, and your personal rating. 

Sega Master System Field Guide SELECT

  • All guides are printed on my own personal HP laserjet printer to save final cost for you. Any other professional printing service would cost at least twice as much (trust me I've looked). That being said each are printed to demand, some toner streaking is possible and normal. Pages will have white margins. Each SELECT Field Guide will be hand bound with spiral notebook binding equipment. Each guide will also have front and back protective plastic sheets as well as labels on the front to identify what system it is for. Once purchased, I'll print them as soon as I can and have them out the next day after completion.  

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