How do I purchase the Field Guides?
At this time both editions of The Video Game Console Collector's Field Guide were successfully Kickstarted.
The First Edition of the field guide sold out completely and the Second Edition has been printed and has shipped to all backers. Additional copies can now be purchased here on the Field Guide shop, @ https://premiumeditiongames.com/ and soon @ https://hagensalley.com/
The Video Game Collector's Field Guide is complete, in hand, (as of 8 OCT 2024) and can now be purchased here: The Video Game Collector's Field Guide (First Edition) | VG Field Guide (vgcollectorguide.com). Limited edition slipcases (250 made), which had to be strengthened and reengineered for the sheer size and weight of the set of books (26 pounds), are now in stock as well.
Some visual checklists in the book can be found on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/vgconsoleguide. However, keep in mind that these might not be the most up to date versions of the checklists, which will be going in the book. While you're there, please drop a like on the page!!!
Individual Game Console checklists can be purchased here on my website. These are printed on my own LaserJet printer and bound using my own book binding equipment. Pricing on these is based on a .22 cents per page cost + shipping. Whether you just can't wait for the 4-volume set, you don't want to mark in your 4-volume set, or you simply just want certain game checklists, this is the best I can do outside of the normal 4 Volume print run which I realize may be outside people's budget.
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Have suggestions that should be on this page or website? Have a question for me or just want to say hi? Please let me know!